Implementing Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

Last week we discussed the origin of DEI. Well, this week, we want to continue that conversation and dive deeper into how employers can apply the DEI framework. For the next couple of weeks, we will share tips on how employers can execute DEI, and this week, we will start by sharing five ways employers can implement diversity in the workplace.

What is Diversity in the Workplace

As a reminder, diversity is the first pillar in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). It promotes the variety of people, identities, races, ethnicity, class, religion, disability, ages, backgrounds, and more in the workplace or organization. In order to carry out the fulfillment of diversity in the workplace, employers are going to have to do more than just hire individuals that fit the DEI audience. They will have to look at the culture within their company and personal lives. Here are our tips to help you get started.

Breaking Bias

Everyone is biased in some shape or form, and sometimes it is hard for us to recognize we are limited. Our unconscious beliefs about the world, society, people, etc., show up in everything we do, whether we realize it or not. It shows up in our families, decisions, relationships, etc. It even shows up within our careers, how we interact with our employees or co-workers, and for employers and managers, it shows up in how we hire and create policies and procedures. 


As leaders, employers, managers, etc., we have to intentionally break our biased behaviors, and we should lead others to do the same. We can start the process by first acknowledging we have unconscious biases. We can then begin to do the work of identifying them so we can remove them. Consider taking a test to reveal any preconceptions you may have. You can then acquire training or coaching to help you overcome any biases you have.

Diversity in the Workplace

Evaluate Policies and Hiring Processes

It is essential to evaluate company policies, processes, and procedures regularly. We also recommend hiring a third-party HR firm with a diverse training background to help you assess and create your policies, processes, and procedures. 

To create a diverse work environment, employers and hiring managers must intentionally hire a diverse group of individuals. This means building a multicultural, ethnical, racial, generational, etc. workplace environment. A great tip is to “focus less on demographics and more on psychographics. Focusing more on psychographics will help companies choose people based on their individual beliefs, values, aspirations, and other psychological criteria. This also helps aid better human connections. And it avoids seeing diverse people as labels and a means only to meet federal quotas for workforce diversity.”

Another great tip is to list your open positions on job boards and sites that cater to job hunters who are often overlooked. You can use sites such as AARP, Better Team, Diversity, iHispano, Black Career Network, Power to Fly, and Diversity Jobs

Evaluate Your Team

Another great way of implementing diversity in the workplace is by evaluating your team. How diverse is your team? How does your team feel about diversity? Do you have any women in managing or c-suite roles? Do you hire people with disabilities? These are great questions to ask yourself.

Hire a Diverse Committee or Third Party Consultant

Hiring a diverse committee is a fantastic way to hold you and your team accountable. Consider hiring people who can represent or advocate for less visible or underrepresented individuals. 


An alternative is hiring a third-party consultant to hold you and your team accountable. They can also advise you on implementing the DEI framework.

Mentorship Programs

According to AARP, one of the most effective ways to create a multigenerational work environment is to implement mentorship programs. After conducting a survey, they found that seven out of ten adults said they like working with people from different generations, and 77% said having older colleagues creates an opportunity to learn new skills. This is a great way to support senior and young leaders.

More Help?

As mentioned, executing the DEI framework within your work environment starts when we look at the culture within our businesses and personal lives. It takes being intentional and listening to those that are affected the most. Please feel free to reach out if you need help or guidance implementing any of these tools. We are here for you. 

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

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